Sunday, March 27, 2011

The spray coats on top of the wing.

I've been leaving these out, but these are the holes that had to be cut to remove the screws on the boittom of the wing for the fuel tank straps. The same process was done here as on the top of the wing as far as laying in a couple of small circular patches adn going through all the different coats.
The final coat of poly-spray has been applied and it is ready for the color coat of poly-tone.
This is the silver poly-spray. This is after 2 cross coats and some wet sanding.
This is after another coat of poly-brush. I have also taken an iron to any of the pinked edges that may be trying to curl up and fixed any imperfections with the iron. It is now ready for the silver coats of poly-spray.

This is after the first coat of poly-brush has been sprayed on.

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